Ph: (03) 9751 1229

Price list
Our minding service offers ongoing care for your bunny. The rate includes unlimited fresh hay, greens, fruit and vegetables, socialisation and exercise. There is a charge for administering of medication if required.
We also specialise in supportive care for buns with health conditions or those recovering from surgery, as well as wheel chair assessment for immobile buns.
Prices have been structured to accommodate bunny owners who have more than one bunny. Please speak to us if you have multiple bunnies, or those owners that would like to bond their rabbit during their stay.
​Please phone us on (03) 9751 1229 for further information.

from 1 March 2024
1 Bun .................................. $25 per day
2 Buns ............................... $35 per day
3 Buns ............................... $40 per day
4 Buns ............................... $45 per day
Other Services
Nail Trim.........................................$ 20
Wheel chair assessment (by donation for our precious time)
Post Surgery and supportive care (see below)
HOME GROOMING SERVICES for cashmere/angora rabbits
Mandy's Bunny Grooming: 0433 454 677
Click here for Fluffy Time Buns Le Le: 0491 167 259
We provide 24 hour care, 24 hour vet support if needed (owner to pay), unlimited hay, food, exercise and socialization for your bun.
When available we may be able to offer pick up or delivery however rates will vary depending on location and our availability. We can quote at time of booking.
We also offer bonding for dexexed house rabbits looking for a friend.
Prices are valid till 31st October, 2024
Post Surgery & Supportive Care
We specialise in supportive care and after surgery care under vet instruction.
We have extensive experience in dealing with a range of conditions
such as
surgery recovery
head tilt
GI stasis
Floppy Bunny Syndrome
disabled buns
mobility concerns
Moderate/High Level Medical Care
For after surgery care or specialised medical care add an extra $10 a day
to the normal boarding rate. The rate is subject to you providing medications and critical care.
Medical Care includes
administering medications
administering sub cut fluid
specialist wound care
Disability care - headtilt or mobility care requiring regular bed changes/padding etc
For critical care feeding or injections add an extra $5 a day
critical care feeding + $5
injections +$5